CPNS LIPI will open September 5, 2017

CPNS LIPI will be opened on September 5, 2017 through SCCN BKN (https://sscn.bkn.go.id) centrally. The tentative schedule for TKD is October 24-26, and TKB + interviews are more or less in 1 week. Please ensure at SCCN BKN.

Special CPNS LIPI criteria:
– S1 and S2: study program graduates accredited A, GPA min. 3.0
– S3: GPA min. 3.0, Ristekdikti has been equalized for LN diploma graduates
– Maximum age of 35 years on 1 December 2017
– There is no maximum age for a diploma during the age of the applicant still qualifying

For the hard and sciences engineering field, formations were opened for S2 and S3. But it is preferable for those who are already S3. For those who have doctoral degrees, they can register for the S2 formation using their S2 diploma. The fields opened include physics, chemistry, informatics, mathematics, electrical engineering, food / agricultural technology, machinery.
