General Student Discussion

Tuesday, April 3 2018, a General Student Discussion (DUMAS) was held at the FMIPA Auditorium. The Dumas event is one of Imasika’s Internal and Advocacy Department work programs. The event was held to convey the aspirations of chemically active students who are expected to be able to develop the Chemistry Department of IPB to be even better.

The DUMAS event series was opened by singing the song Indonesia Raya and Hymn of IPB. Followed by reading recitations and prayers led by Pak Jimmi. Then followed by a series of certificates by the Head of the Department of Chemistry. After that, there is Entertainment from dance creations from the Department of Chemistry. Followed by a series of discussions moderated by Ms Dr Wulan Tri Wahyuni, M.Sc. Several heads of the Chemical Division, Chair of the Commission and Chairperson of the Comdik and the Head of the Chemistry Department were used as resource persons to answer any criticism and aspirations put forward by several students. During this discussion, representatives of 51, 52, 53 and Postgraduate groups were active in proposing aspirations to build a better Ministry of Chemistry.

Thank you

Departement of Internal and Advocacy
Kabinet Equilibrium
Imasika 2018
