Chemical Student Innovation IPB: Nanocolagen from Chicken Bone Waste as Anti-Aging

By: Eka Budiarti, Perlambang Budiarti, dan Manggar Arum Aristri

Chicken is one type of poultry that has meat with a complete source of essential amino acids. At present according to BPS data (2016), states that broiler consumption increased from 2009 to 2016. The increase is comparable to the increase in waste produced, especially in chicken bone parts. Chicken bones contain collagen protein which can be used as a cosmetic product, such as wrinkle prevention substances, increase skin moisture, keep skin from free radicals, and maintain skin elasticity. Collagen in cosmetics, if used on facial skin, will be able to hold water so that the facial skin remains moist.
According to the three Chemistry students of the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), currently, the ingredients used as cosmetic products, such as anti-ageing are mostly made of cow leather and pigskin which are often not suitable for most religions and certain ethnicities. Thus, the use of chicken bone waste as collagen raw material is an alternative to overcome these problems. This innovation was included in the Student Creativity Program (PKM) held by the Kemristekdikti. Dr. Irmanida Batubara, M.Sc guided this product development.
According to Eka and the team, it is looking at the potential of the chicken bone waste, and the chicken bone waste is used as an anti-aging cosmetic product that can inhibit the signs of ageing on the skin. Nanoparticle technology was used in this study to maximise the absorption of collagen in the body. According to Hoet et al. (2004), states that nano-sized material more easily enters the inside of the skin compared to large-sized material. This is the basis for the development of nano collagen which is expected to accelerate the absorption time and anti-ageing process. This product is expected to reduce the accumulation of chicken bone waste in the community and can be used as anti-ageing products by the community at large.
