No Lecturer Achievement Link
1 Dyah Iswantini Guest speaker at “Sosialisasi dan Pelatihan Drafting Paten HKI” at Universitas Al Ahzar Indonesia Jakarta -
2 Dyah Iswantini 107 of Indonesia’s Most Prospective Innovations ( Title: Indonesian Biodiversity-based Antioxidant Nanobiosensor (Code: 3676)) -
3 Dyah Iswantini Satyalancana Karya Satya XX Award for the Year of Civil Servants -
4 Dyah Iswantini 108 of Indonesia’s Most Prospective Innovations ( Title: Antihypertensive Standard Herbal Medicine (Code: 3154) -
5 Eti Rohaeti 107 Most Prospective Innovations: A portable photometer as a tool helps control the quality of medicinal plants for farmers -
6 Eti Rohaeti Penghargaan Satyalancana Karya Satya XX Tahun Pegawai Negeri Sipil -
7 Gustini Syahbirin The Best poster International Seminar Temulawak di Bogor -
8 Irmanida Batubara Best oral presenter at International Conference on Biodiversity for Sustainable Industry -
9 Irmanida Batubara 107 Most Prospective Innovations: Curcuma, Gripe weed, Green chirayta and Temu ireng Formula which are effective in overcoming and preventing bird flu
10 Mohamad Rafi 107 Most Prospective Innovations
11 Sri Sugiarti 107 of Indonesia’s Most Prospective Innovations
12 Tetty Kemala The Best poster International Seminar di Padang
13 Rudi Heryanto 107 of Indonesia’s Most Prospective Innovations: Siijah: Prediction system of herbal formula with statistical and machine learning approaches
14 Rudi Heryanto 107 of Indonesia’s Most Prospective Innovations: A portable photometer as a tool helps control the quality of medicinal plants for farmers
15 Rudi Heryanto 108 of Indonesia’s Most Prospective Innovations ( Title: Antihypertensive Standard Herbal Medicine (Code: 3154)
16 Zaenal Abidin 107 of Indonesia’s Most Prospective Innovations ( Title: Indonesian Biodiversity-based Antioxidant Nanobiosensor (Code: 3676))
No Lecturer Achievements Link
1 Irma Herawati Suparto Speaker at Talk Show Satwa Primata -
2 Irmanida Batubara Best poster presenter on ISS -
3 Latifah Kosim Darusman Anugrah Nas HKI from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights -
4 Tun Tedja Irawadi 107 of Indonesia’s Most Prospective Innovations -
5 Purwantiningsih Speakers at the Scientific Seminar on Mahkota Dewa Medicinal Plants at BPOM -
6 Purwantiningsih Speaker at the workshop on RISIKO CEMARAN PADA BAHAN BAKU PAKAN TERNAK TERHADAP KEHALALAN at Tanjung Priok Agricultural Quarantine -
7 Purwantiningsih Speakers at the Workshop & Focus on the Group Discussed Nanotechnology Approach in Halal Industry for Food and Agricultural products. ITB Bandung -
8 Purwantiningsih Speaker at the Talk Show “Sinergisme Academician, Business, Government and Community In the Development of Natural Material Based Products -
No Lecturer Achievements Link
1 Irma Herawati Suparto Facilitator in Basic Health Research Ethics Training -
2 Irma Herawati Suparto Best Oral Presentation of Ristekdikti Results Seminar -
3 Irmanida Batubara Lecturer with outstanding achievements at Faculty of Math and Science -
4 Irmanida Batubara Keynote Speaker at the MIPA II National Seminar of Papua University -
5 Irmanida Batubara Main Speaker of the National Seminar on Indonesian Natural Material Chemistry -
6 Irmanida Batubara The 4th most prospective innovation of IPB -
7 Mohamad Rafi Best Oral Presenter at the 52nd National Seminar on Indonesian Medicinal Plants, Riau Pharmacy College, Pekanbaru, Indonesia -
8 Dyah Iswantini Keynote Speaker at the National Seminar on “Antioksidan untuk Kesehatan Manusia dan Lingkungan” -
9 Sri Sugiarti The best presenter of the International Seminar on Sciences