The Chemistry Department of FMIPA IPB manages the Bachelor of Chemistry Program, and the Chemistry Masters Program, and is currently in the discussion stage for the Chemistry Doctoral Program. The Bachelor of Chemistry program was established in 1989, won A accreditation from BAN PT in 2003-2008, which was successfully maintained in 2008-2013 and 2013-2018, and in the submission stage for International Accreditation from the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). The Department of Chemistry FMIPA IPB has been certified ISO 9001: 2015 as proof of a quality standard international quality management system. The Department of Chemistry FMIPA IPB is supported by 35 experienced lecturers with 71.4% qualifications holding Doctoral degrees including 4 professors, and 28.6% holding Masters degrees. The smooth teaching and learning process is also supported by 30 education staff.

Lecture material is designed based on the potential of chemistry in studying and developing new materials and natural products as superior objects, taking into account the trends in the latest development of chemistry in developed countries. Cooperation has been established with various government agencies (such as the Halmahera Regional Government, Directorate of Vegetable and Biopharmaceutical Plants, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Health, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, LIPI, BATAN), MUI POMs, national private companies (such as PT Bintang Toedjoe, PT Charoen Phokphan and PT SOHO), as well as professional associations (Himpunan Kimia Indonesia, Himpunan Polimer Indonesia, Kelompok Kerja Nasional Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, dan Himpunan Kimia Bahan Alam Indonesia).


 Academic Activities

Academic activities consist of lectures in class and independent learning (student-centred learning) conducted through improving reading culture, scientific writing, and utilising information technology. Improvement of student life skills (soft skills) is provided through the implementation of entrepreneurial-oriented education, business, marketing including capital, the ability to work together (teamwork), and leadership (leadership).

Scholarship Program

There are many scholarship programs available for Chemistry S1 students. Some examples that have been widely accepted are Bidikmisi, PPA, BBM, LPDP, Tanoto Foundation, Djarum, and Karya Salemba Empat.

S1-S2 Synergy Program

Students with excellent academic achievement (minimum GPA of 3.25) can take part in the S1-S2 Synergy program. S2 Chemistry courses start in semester 7 and 8 undergraduate programs in Chemistry along with undergraduate research. So that within a minimum of one year after graduating, you can get a master’s degree.

Extracurricular Program

Student soft skills can be honed through the Chemical Students Association (Imasika) professional association forum. Also, there is also a place for developing sports (basketball, futsal, and badminton) hobbies, music (Cawan petri percussion, acoustics), edutainment (Magic Chemistry), extra-academic (Olympic club, Chemistry Challenge, and Avogadro’s tutoring).