Curriculum Structure
KIM 1215 Inorganic Chemistry: Elements and Bonds
Prerequisite: Chemistry Science and Technology
This course provides knowledge about introduction to inorganic chemistry, atomic structure, main group elements, transition group elements, lanthanide-actinide elements and compounds, simple chemical bonds, symmetry, and molecular orbitals.
- Charlena, Tetty Kemala, Sri Sugiarti, Noviyan Darmawan
KIM 1221 Organic Chemistry I
3 (3-0)
Prerequisite: –
This course discusses the basic concepts of forming and breaking covalent bonds and their energetics; the introduction of acid-base and its relation to electrophiles and nucleophiles; introduction of organic reactions, physical and chemical properties of alkanes and cycloalkanes; functional groups of alkenes, alkynes, aromatic compounds, and their derivatives, with emphasis on structure, stereochemistry, reactions, and reaction mechanisms.
- Budi Arifin, Suminar S Achmadi, Aulia Ilmiawati
KIM 1223 Organic Chemistry Practicum
Prerequisite: –
This course provides skills in assembling molecular models to explain organic structures and reactions; assembling apparatus in experiments requiring reflux, extraction, distillation, and chromatography techniques; operating melting point determination devices, polarimeters, viscometers, and refractometers for the determination of physical properties of organic compounds; and identify organic compounds (including biological molecules) based on their functional groups. Skills are provided on a competency-based basis.
- Muhammad Farid, Luthfan Irfana, Tuti Wukirsari, Auliya Ilmiawati
KIM 1236 Fundamental Analytical Chemistry
Prerequisite: –
The fundamental analytical chemistry course explains the meaning, perspective, classification, and stages of analysis, selection of analytical methods, calibration, standardization and correction of forms, analytical data handling techniques, principles, methods of extraction, and sample handling, inorganic and organic systematic qualitative analysis, introduction to classical quantitative analysis, gravimetry, titrimetry, acidialkalimetry, oxyreductometry, precipitimetry, basics of separation, separation based on precipitation, distillation, centrifugation, and extraction, and their application in Agromaritime 4.0.
- Irmanida Batubara, Deden Saprudin, Eti Rohaeti, Rudi Heryanto, Mohamad Rafi, Wulan Tri Wahyuni
KIM 1237 Analytical Chemistry Practicum
Prerequisite: –
This course will practice the basics of analysis in the laboratory, from preparing samples, selecting materials, preparing apparatus, operating them, and obtaining data. This practicum includes competency training and calibration of volume measuring instruments, training in making solutions and acid-base titration, sampling and preparation of samples, electrical circuits and the process of obtaining signals and their significant numbers, gravimetric precipitation and evolution, acidialkalimetry, oxyreductometry, chelatometry, liquid-liquid extraction, solid-liquid extraction (maceration, sonication, reflux, soxhletation), and distillation in samples related to Agromaritime 4.0.
- Deden Saprudin, Rudi Heryanto, Wulan Tri Wahyuni, Zulhan Arif
KIM 1243 Chemical Thermodynamics
Prerequisite: –
This course discusses the laws of gas and thermodynamics, which can be used as a quantitative measure of the degree of tendency of materials’ physical/chemical transformation process. The degree of spontaneity/nonspontaneity of physical/chemical transformations of materials can be measured using the quantities of internal energy, enthalpy, entropy, and free energy. The advantage of thermodynamic studies is their ability to predict a process to be studied by relating it to existing process data using interrelated standard state rules. Applying thermodynamic concepts will be very helpful in supporting the success of synthesis (material transformation) and/or separation without using a trial-and-error approach. Simulating the conversion of process variables such as temperature and pressure in the direction that produces thermodynamically spontaneous reactions will help the research succeed without having to conduct repeated experiments. To get to that stage, a fundamental and comprehensive understanding of the laws of thermodynamics is needed, which is the topic of discussion in this course.
- Sri Mulijani, Komar Sutriah, Henny Purwaningsih
KIM 1253 Mathematical Chemistry
Prerequisite: Mathematics and Logic
This course explains the basic concepts of calculus, such as limits and continuity, derivatives of functions, function integrals, transcendent functions, integrative techniques, polar coordinates, ordinary and partial differential equations, operators and matrices, series and Fourier transform, as well as the application of basic concepts of calculus in various cases in chemistry in general and physical chemistry in particular, such as in chemical thermodynamics, equilibrium, chemical kinetics, and quantum chemistry.
- Henny Purwaningsih, Trivadila, Mohammad Khotib
KIM 1216 Inorganic Chemistry: Solids and Coordination Compounds
Prerequisite: Inorganic Chemistry: Elements and Bonds
This course is given to equip knowledge of acid-base theory and redox, including frontier orbital dynamics. Furthermore, it provides knowledge about the formula and structure of crystals, thermodynamics of ionic crystal formation, crystal defects, molecular orbital theory in solid compounds, and types of solids based on their electrical conductivity. This lecture also equips students with knowledge about magnetism and coordination compounds (covering structures and isomers, bond theory, electronic spectra, and reactions and mechanisms).
- Sri Sugiarti, Charlena, Tetty Kemala, Noviyan Darmawan
KIM 1213 Inorganic Chemistry Practicum
Prerequisite: –
This course contains experiments that include theoretical calculations, synthesis, isolation, purification, characterization, and application of various inorganic compounds. The experiments are related to the concepts of inorganic chemistry: symmetry, group theory, molecular orbital theory, main group element chemistry, transition metal chemistry, organometallics, solid chemistry, and bioinorganic. Students will learn various synthesis techniques specific to inorganic chemistry, several characterization techniques, and aspects of bonding and molecular reactivity of inorganic compounds. Students will also learn to communicate experimental results effectively orally and in writing.
- Noviyan Darmawan, Sri Sugiarti
KIM 222 Organic Chemistry II
Prerequisite: Organic Chemistry I
This course discusses the physical and chemical properties of organohalide compounds; alcohols and phenols, ethers and epoxides, as well as their sulfur analogs; carbonyl compounds: aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acids and their derivatives, including nitriles; amines and heterocyclic compounds; with emphasis on structure, stereochemistry, reactions, and reaction mechanisms.
- Purwantiningsih Sugita, Gustini Syahbirin, Tuti Wukirsari, Luthfan Irfana
KIM 238 Chemical Seperation dan Electroanalysis
3 (3-0)
Prasyarat –
Mata kuliah pemisahan kimia dan elektroanalitik menjelaskan pengertian, prinsip analisis, dan instrumentasi kromatografi baik kromatografi planar, kromatografi kolom, kromatografi gas, maupun kromatografi cair kinerja tinggi, elektroforesis, elektroanalitik, potensiometri, elektrogravimetri, kulometri, polarografi, voltametri, dan konduktometri, serta aplikasinya pada agromaritim 4.0.
- Wulan Tri Wahyuni, Deden Saprudin, Mohamad Rafi, Zulhan Arif
KIM 1244 Chemical Equalibrium
2 (2-0)
Prasyarat –
Mata kuliah ini merupakan aplikasi konsep termodinamika pada transformasi fisik suatu material di berbagai kasus yang ditemukan dalam kimia secara umum dan kimia fisik khususnya. Kecenderungan transformasi fisik material murni dan campuran ditinjau dari kriteria kesetimbangan berdasarkan parameter termodinamika energi bebas, serta potensial kimia, aktivitas, dan koefisien aktivitas. Mata kuliah ini membahas transformasi fisik material, diagram fase, sifat-sifat larutan, kesetimbangan kimia dan kesetimbangan elektrokimia, serta penjelasan kasus-kasus yang ditemukan dalam ilmu kimia berdasarkan pendekatan termodinamika.
- Komar Sutriah, Henny Purwaningsih, Betty M Soebrata
KIM 345 Praktikum Kimia Fisik
2 (0-2)
Prasyarat –
Mata kuliah ini diberikan untuk membekali mahasiswa agar terampil bekerja di laboratorium dan dapat menerapkan konsep dasar ilmu kimia, khususnya konsep dasar ilmu kimia fisik dalam bentuk praktikum. Materi yang disampaikan meliputi konsep termodinamika kimia, kesetimbangan kimia, kinetika kimia, kimia kuantum, serta kimia permukaan dan koloid. Melalui mata kuliah ini mahasiswa juga diharapkan mampu mengkomunikasikan data yang diperolehnya dengan cara tertulis dan penyampaian secara lisan.
- Henny Purwaningsih, Trivadila, Ahmad Sjahriza
KIM 1317 Inorganic Chemistry: Organometals and Bioinorganics
Prerequisite: Inorganic Chemistry: Solids and Coordination Compounds
This course explains the application of basic concepts of inorganic chemistry to coordination compounds that build groups of organometallics, bioinorganic, cluster, and supramolecular compounds. This course also equips knowledge in the field of inorganic elements and compounds that have the potential to pollute the environment (inorganic pollutants).
- Tetty Kemala, Sri Sugiarti, Charlena, Noviyan Darmawan
KIM 1331 Spectrometry
Prerequisite: –
The spectrometry course discusses spectrometry in chemical analysis (measurement principles, instrumentation, and applications in Agromaritime 4.0), including molecular and atomic spectroscopy. The molecular spectroscopy studied are UV-Vis, Infrared, Raman, absorption spectrometry, fluorescence and atomic emission, luminescence, turbidimetry and polarimetry, X-rays, NMR, and mass spectrometry.
- Eti Rohaeti, Irmanida Batubara, Rudi Heryanto, Mohamad Rafi
KIM 1344 Chemical Kinetics
Prerequisite: Chemical Thermodynamics, Mathematical Chemistry
This course develops of concepts and understanding of the rate and mechanism of chemical reactions to study reactions at the molecular level and how to control reaction rates. The material taught includes determining the rate law (rate constant and reaction order) for simple, reversible, series, parallel, and complex reactions, along with experimental methods; dependence of the reaction rate on temperature; reaction rate theory; unimolecular reaction rate theory; atomic processes and free radicals; photochemical and rapid reactions; reactions in solution and catalyzed reactions; enzyme kinetics; as well as research results related to chemical kinetics in the form of preparing papers and discussions.
- Dyah Iswantini, Trivadila, Mohammad Khotib, Armi Wulanawati
KIM 1359 Integrated Practicum I
Prerequisite: –
This course provides students with skills in working using analytical instruments commonly found in chemical laboratories, including spectroscopy, chromatography, and electrochemistry techniques. Students will be introduced to operating, maintaining, troubleshooting, sample preparation, and analysis using chemical instrumentation.
- Deden Saprudin, Betty M. Soebrata, Charlena, Lutfan Irfana
KIM 1359D Structure and Molecular Functions of Life
Prerequisite: Organic Chemistry II
This course provides a comprehensive understanding of the structure, chemical properties, reactions, energetics, and functions of the molecules that make up life: water, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and vitamins.
- Noviyan Darmawan and Team
KIM 1321 Physical Organic Chemistry
Prerequisite: Organic Chemistry II
This course focuses on the study of reaction mechanisms through discussion of the concepts of chemical structure and reactivity, energetics, kinetics, strength of acids and bases, nucleophilic substitution, carbocation, electrophilic and nucleophilic substitution in aromatic systems, electrophilic and nucleophilic addition to C=C bonds, nucleophilic addition to C=O bonds, elimination, carbanions and their reactions, free radicals and their reactions, and symmetry-controlled reactions.
- Novriyandi Hanif and Team
KIM 1359C Synthesis of Organic and Inorganic Matter
Prerequisite: Organic Chemistry II
This course discusses the scope, design, and strategy of synthesizing inorganic and organic materials by paying attention to green chemistry aspects in using materials and processes, including several characterizations (microscopy, spectroscopy, and macroscopic) and their applications.
- Zainal Alim Mas’ud, Purwantiningsih Sugita, Zaenal Abidin, Noviyan Darmawan, Charlena
KIM 1325 Molecular Structure Elucidation
Prerequisite: Organic Chemistry II
This lecture discusses the elucidation of molecular structures, both planar and stereo structures, using spectroscopic methods [UV, IR, MS, NMR 1D (1H, 13C, NOE) and the introduction of 2D NMR (COSY, HSQC, HMBC)] and chemical transformations. The learning process includes presentation and understanding of concepts and independent practice questions.
- Novriyandi Hanif, Muhammad Farid, Dudi Tohir, Aulia Ilmiawati
KIM 1346 Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy
Prerequisite: Mathematical Chemistry
This course explains the concepts of quantum theory in hydrogen atoms, hydrogenic atoms, molecules, and their application to explain the formation of rotational spectra, vibrations, and electronic transitions typical of atoms and molecules.
- Ahmad Sjahriza, Mohammad Khotib, Armi Wulanawati
KIM 1359B Integrated Practicum 2
Prerequisite: –
This course is given in the form of a mini-research project. Students learn to do simple research by working in a laboratory. Mini research project topics include natural material chemistry; environmental chemistry; biological chemistry; and synthesis and characterization of materials (organic and inorganic matter).
- Muhammad Farid, Noviyan Darmawan, Zulhan Arief, Ahmad Sjahriza
KIM 1357 Chemometry
Prerequisite: Spectrometry
This course explains the background and role of chemometry in chemical experiments; descriptive statistics (data distribution and distribution type, location parameters, disperse size, skewness, and kurtosis); error propagation; inferential statistics (t-test, F-test, Chi-squared test, and data rejection); Anova; chemical data quality control; univariate regression, non-parametric methods, signals and noise, as well as an introduction to the design of multivariate experiments and calibrations.
- Rudi Heryanto and Team
KIM 1391 Scientific Writing Techniques
Prerequisite: Bahasa Indonesia
This course is delivered as a provision of student knowledge in delivering scientific work orally and in writing. Students are also introduced to computer programs and web applications that can be used as tools in compiling a scientific paper. The material presented in this course refers to the Guidelines for Writing Scientific Papers at IPB (PPKI), General Guidelines for Indonesian Spelling (PUEBI), General Guidelines for Term Formation (PUPI), Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), Chemical Nomenclature Guidelines, Chemical Glossary, and other library/reference materials that support the topics discussed in this course. Details of the material presented include (1) spelling, (2) chemical nomenclature, (3) words and affixes, (4) single and compound sentences, (5) paragraphs, (6) research methodology, literature review, and how to write it, write conclusions, suggestions, and acknowledgments, (7) research procedures, drawing examples, units, and symbols, (8) making research notes, (9) analysis, data interpretation, and illustration, (10) oral presentation, (11) literature, (12) translation techniques, (13) literature search.
- Henny Purwaningsih and Team
BIK1208 Metabolism
Prerequisite: Structure and Reactivity in Biological Systems
After completing the course, students can explain the general concepts and principles of bioenergetics in metabolism and the process of metabolic process trajectories of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleotides.
- Sulistyani and Team
KIM 1456 Chemical Innovation in Industry
Prerequisite: –
This capstone includes lectures from lecturers and industry practitioners and their implementation in industry. The lecture explains the concept of industrial chemistry, including process knowledge (material balance, energy balance, material conversion in industry), material knowledge (polymers, surfactants, advanced materials), product formulation, QC/QA knowledge, and industrial waste treatment. This capstone provides opportunities for students to interact with industry practitioners, conduct industry visits, and train the spirit of entrepreneurship through simple industrial projects.
- Kaprodi dan Tim
KIM 1457 Chemical Innovation in the Environmental Field for Sustainable Development
Prerequisite: –
This capstone includes lectures and practitioners and their implementation in the environmental field. Lectures explain environmental chemistry concepts, including atmospheric, aquatic, and soil chemistry; the presence of chemical substances in the environment, including sources, reactions, and transport processes, and the impact of their existence in the environment; waste and waste management; and the concept of green chemistry in realizing sustainable development. This capstone is delivered interactively through small group discussions, followed by teamwork to develop a concept/program/action package that can be applied directly in industry and society.
- Kaprodi dan Tim
IPB 1400 KKN-Thematic
Prerequisite: Graduated ?108 credits, GPA ? 2
Thematic KKN is a form of education whose main activities are outside the campus by providing learning experiences for students to live amid society, where students directly together with the community identify, analyze, and handle development problems faced by the community in an integrated manner between professions at IPB.
- Tim Pengelola KKN-Tematik
KIM 1491 Colloquium
Prerequisite: Graduated ?110 credits, GPA ? 2
Students make their final project proposals and present them to their supervisors and other students for feedback. make their final project proposals and present them in front of their supervisors and other students to get feedback.
- Novriyandi Hanif, Sri Sugiarti, Deden Saprudin
KIM 1490 Field Practice/Non-Thesis Internship
Prerequisite: Graduated ?105 credits, GPA ? 2
This activity is carried out in research institutions or companies to develop students’ abilities in chemistry and aims to broaden students’ horizons about the chemical profession.
- Lutfan Irfana, Novriyandi Hanif, Sri Sugiarti, Deden Saprudin
KIM 1455 Computational Chemistry
Prerequisite: Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy
This course discusses the understanding and scope of computational chemistry, the concept of surface energy potential, the basics of molecular orbital theory, molecular mechanics modeling methods, molecular dynamics, semiempirical, ab initio, density functional theory, and the use of computational chemistry to determine molecular characteristics and quantitative structure-activity relationships.
- Zaenal Abidin and Team
KIM 1492 Seminar
Prerequisite: Colloquium
Students explain the results of the final project and get feedback from discussions with supervisors, deputy department lecturers, and students to improve scientific work.
KIM 1494 Final Project
Prerequisite: Seminar
Student final projects can be done through research and non-research routes. The final project of the thesis track is completed through research activities that can be carried out inside and outside IPB. The final project of the non-thesis path can be completed through competency-certified student internships or by conducting small projects inside and outside IPB whose credit load and implementation time are the same as the final project of the thesis path. Students carry out their final project under the guidance of a maximum of 3 supervisors.
- Sri Sugiarti, Novriyandi Hanif, Deden Saprudin